Fiber Laser Engraved Aluminum Electronics Box
Lucid Scientific came to us needing several pieces of scientific equipment engraved with their name and serial numbers. These aluminum...

Evereman laser cut stencils from baltic birch
Evereman artist stopped by the shop to laser cut some Evereman stencils from 1/8in Baltic Birch. H will be using these to make the...

Engraving Stainless Steel Bracelets with Fiber Laser for metal
These are some brushed stainless bracelets on which we laser etched a detailed logo onto a slightly curved surface. The fiber laser did a...

Marking Black ABS with Fiber Laser to get a White Logo
Our new product is a 10 inch tablet mount for photographers and videographers. We used the Fiber Laser to mark a bright white logo,...

Engraving Marble Trophy with CO2 laser
For an upcoming capoeira event, we upcycled some old trophies by removing the name plates, and engraving directly into the marble (or...

Laser Engraving Maple Whiskey Bottle Stoppers
Jason Prigmore Woodworks http://www.jasonprigmore.com/ approached us about laser engraving hundreds of custom, hand made bottle stoppers....

Laser Cut Wood Knife Handles with CO2 laser
These knife handle blanks were cut from 1/8 inch thick exotic hardwoods with the C02 laser for a woodworking customer in the Atlanta, GA...

Bronze Gong laser engraved with CodeGuard Logo
Code Guard asked us if we could engrave their logo in some desktop gongs. We used the fiber laser to engrave the bronze. The results were...

Tormach PCNC 1100 Power Draw Bar DIY Build
Tormach offers a power drawbar option for $1200. After already spending a chunk of change on the machine and other accessories, I found...

Fiber Laser engraved brass dobrao for Capoeira Maculele group
We used the Fiber metal laser engraver to engrave the logo of our capoeria group, Maculele, and the members names on the back side. The...